Work With Me

Loop 1Clarify Your Destination

Struggling to get off the ground?

Most “strategic planning” feels overwhelming and ends up being a total waste of time. Right?

That's because most small business owners aren't ready for strategic planning yet. You need to clarify where you're going BEFORE you can start planning how to get there.

That’s why I offer the "Business on a Mission" workshop.

Don’t waste another minute on strategic planning until you clarify your destination.


  • Two (2) Zoom calls (2 hours each)
  • Async support between calls

4 Hour Workshop
Only $199


This Business Made Simple workshop is valued at a much higher price. My goal is to help you grow your business over the long-term, but I have to earn your trust first. That's why I'm offering this workshop for such a low price.


Flight PlanGet There Faster!

Stuck below $1 million?

You're doing all the things, but it’s just not moving you closer to your destination fast enough. Something's off, but you can’t put your finger on it.

Let's create an effective, customized Flight Plan to get you there faster. Clarify your marketing and sales messaging. Optimize your product mix. Install systems to measure your performance so you can grow your sales and profits faster.


  • Online tools and training materials
  • Three (3) Zoom calls
  • Async support between calls

4 Week Guided Course


Loop 3Scale Up Your Business

Aiming for 8 figures?

You know where you're going and have a Flight Plan to get there.  Now, get the ongoing private coaching and in-depth guidance that will help you actually reach your destination faster.


  • Two (2) Zoom calls per month
  • Quarterly Business Reviews (QBR)
  • Async support between calls

4+ Month Coaching
$999 per month




Small Business Flight School

Rather do it yourself (DIY)? No problem. I get it. Some of us learn better on our own. You can get access to many of the same resources in Small Business Flight School.

$2,495 for a 1-year membership

Membership includes…

  • The Flight School curriculum and actionable playbooks ($2,500 value)
  • Weekly Q&A calls with Business Made Simple experts ($3,500 value)
  • Quarterly Q&A calls with Donald Miller ($3,000 value)
  • Access to the exclusive Flight School community ($1,000)

By the end of the program, you’ll…

  • Have a complete business growth plan to help you double your revenue
  • Grow your confidence in knowing exactly what to work on to get results
  • Have a long-term operations and growth plan to ensure your lasting success
Watch the video below to see Donald Miller
(the founder of StoryBrand and Business Made Simple)
explain Small Business Flight School.




Grow your business. Or get your money back. Guaranteed!

BMS Profile



I take your trust in me very seriously. My goal is to 10X your investment, but at the very least, you have my personal promise...

If you maintain your membership, show up, and do your part for 12 months... and your gross profit doesn't increase by at least 2X your investment, I wouldn't feel right about keeping your money. 

I'll give you back 100% of your investment.
No hassles. Guaranteed.

Signature first-1

You know you want to build a 7-figure business that works for you. One that gives you the time and money you need to do what you love... in your business and your personal life. Right?

If nothing changes, nothing changes. Where will your business be next year? In 5 years?

What are you waiting for? Let me help you get there faster than I did.


Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQs )


Why should I hire you?

Most real estate coaches focus on sales training. Many of them are fantastic if that's what you need. I'm here to help you build a business. 

I bring a fresh perspective with experience in multiple industries to help you think outside the typical box (with a garage). 🤣

I also have real estate experience from a different perspective.  I was in the lead generation business during my 8 years with 

I won the President's Club travel award by focusing my sales team on the right prospects, restructuring territories and incentives, and developing better lead generating products. 

Do you only work with team leaders?

Yes. Brokers and agents who lead a team of other agents and support functions. 

While solo agents are "in business" too, my experience and focus is on helping you build a "real" business and lead a team of other people. 

What's included with unlimited* support?

Support is generally limited to topics we covered during our most recent meeting. You will normally get a response to your email the next weekday morning.

Some programs also include Huddles: 15 minute phone calls for a quick Q&A to keep the ball moving in the right direction.